Little Folks

Little Folks design master plan and board layout

This project was my first major design as a student in the MLA program at the University of Guelph. I created a public plaza using the existing buildings while adding some new structures that could be used to host indoor and outdoor events ranging from art fairs to farmers markets. At the center of the plaza was a compass rose inspired fountain pointing toward the river, downtown area and the original chimney on one of the existing buildings.

My design also incorporates community gardens, nature trails, a reconstructed pedestrian bridge linking the site to the downtown, a naturalized area, and a stone circle as a cultural gathering point. Parking is accommodated by placing it below ground level in the eastern corner of the site with a green roof to serve as an entry point to the site and public park

This project was my first major design as a student in the MLA program at the University of Guelph.

I created a public plaza using the existing buildings while adding some new structures that could be used to host indoor and outdoor events ranging from art fairs to farmers markets. At the center of the plaza was a compass rose inspired fountain pointing toward the river, downtown area and the original chimney on one of the existing buildings.

My design also incorporates community gardens, nature trails, a reconstructed pedestrian bridge linking the site to the downtown, a naturalized area, and a stone circle as a cultural gathering point. Parking is accommodated by placing it below ground level in the eastern corner of the site with a green roof to serve as an entry point to the site and public park.

Detail of a proposed new building linking the site back to the waterway adjacent.

Section showing the stone circle gathering place and riverside forest cover.