
Fryfogel design master plan

The plan for this site was to diversify and improve new and existing habitat as well as restore the perennial cold water stream. We were especially interested in creating bird habitat as the name Fryfogel means 'free bird' and the location of the site within an agricultural matrix made it a likely stopping point for migratory as well as local bird species.
Our design included: a low intensity interpretive nature trail, stopping points to be used as outdoor classrooms, a small outdoor amphitheater near the house and a commitment to preserving and improving the environment on site.

A stream overflow area on the site was a natural choice for improving habitat for cavity nesting species. To accelerate the natural process and increase the habitat here we suggested some of the already struggling trees be girdled in a wave pattern that when viewed from a distance would look like oyster mushrooms. 

Detail sketch of swamp interpretation point. 
A stream overflow area on the site was a natural choice for improving habitat for cavity nesting species. To accelerate the natural process and increase the habitat here we suggested some of the already struggling trees be girdled in a wave pattern that when viewed from a distance would look like oyster mushrooms. This would create more tree snags. Additionally, decomposition of the already dead tree stumps could be aided by inoculating the stumps with oyster mushrooms native to the area providing an opportunity to teach visitors to the site about the many values of decomposition in natural environments.

I worked on this design with a partner though all drawings shown here are my own work, the design process was entirely collaborative.